
Fluid Edge Themes

Dato’ Seri Mahinder Singh Dulku, DGPN, DSPN, PKT

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Dato’ Seri Mahinder Singh Dulku, DGPN, DSPN, PKT

Independent Non-Executive Chairman

Chairman of Nomination & Remuneration Committee
Member of Audit Committee

Date of Appointment

  • Independent Non-Executive Director – 28 April 2006
  • Senior Independent Non-Executive Director – 18 April 2007
  • Independent Non-Executive Chairman – 31 March 2014

Qualification & Experience

  • Conferred the Degree of an Utter Barrister in 1972 by Lincoln’s Inn, London, UK.
  • Admitted as an Advocate & Solicitor, Malaya in 1973.
  • Has over 40 years of legal practice experience.
  • Specialty: Land, contract and corporate laws.
  • Twice elected as the Chairman of Penang Bar Committee and member of Bar Council over that period.


  • Trustee of Penang Swimming Club and Old Xaverian’s Association, Penang.
  • Chairman of the Board of Governors of Khalsa Dharmik School, Penang.