
Fluid Edge Themes

RGB Cares

RGB, A Citizen of the World

RGB cares symbolizes the Group’s commitment to operate its business responsibly and be accountable for decision that impact the shareholders, investors, employees, business partners and fellow stakeholders.

While we concentrate on managing a profitable business performance and shareholders’ value improvements, we are also mindful of our goals to provide a sustainable workplace for our employees’ career development, be socially and environmentally responsible corporate citizen.

Tanjung Tokong Beach Cleaning

Organized by our committee and aided by the Penang local council, the scorching heat did not deter our 35 volunteers from doing their parts in ensuring a clean and livable city – and where better to start than the beach? Home to beautiful white sandy beaches, Penang, through our collective effort is now 18 bags of trash closer to being trash free!

Yee Ran Jing Sheh (Y.R.J.S) Handicapped Association Children’s Home

In the spirit of Chinese New Year, we had the privilege to give back to the community at the Yee Ran Jing Sheh (Y. R. J.S) Handicapped Association Children’s Home.

Home to the handicapped of all races, it is totally dependent on public and corporate funds, with no aid from government agencies or families of the inmates .

Together with the participation from our senior executives, we offered donations in forms of daily essentials to ensure their daily needs are taken care of.

Shan Children's Home

At RGB, we believe that there should always be smiles. What’s more on a joyous occasion like Deepavali? Led by our Managing Director Dato’ Seri Chuah, we knew we had to bring every child into the festive mood by decorating the home with colours and lights – exactly what Deepavali is all about. We spent our afternoon having lunch with the adorable children and before we said our goodbyes, the children also received a hamper each together. The success in bringing smiles to these children has motivated us to continue our Corporate Social Responsibility to reach out more children and other homes.

Shan Children's Home Festive Visit

This Christmas, we ensured no children were left without a gift and so we brought gifts wrapped in colourful boxes and ribbons and the surprise on the children’s faces are priceless. We ate and had fun together with the children.

Light House Penang Malaysia

Light House

Light House – Penang, Malaysia
The Lighthouse, a social arm under The Catholic Church of Penang provides free food & medical services for unemployed urban poor, rehabilitated street people & former addicts.

The Group has participated in ‘The Lighthouse Lend a Hand Charity Dinner’ Campaign in Penang with the aim to reach out to the needy, making a difference in their life.

Since June 2008, we have been providing packed meal every Friday evening to a group of community.

Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital

‘Ko Kah Ho Chiak’ Charity Food & Fun Fair 2010 Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital
On Sunday, 18 April 2010, Dreamgate participated in a fund raising event, ‘Ko Kah Ho Chiak’ Charity Food & Fun Fair 2010 organized by Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital, a private non-profit hospital located at Penang. This charity drive was organized in aid to raise fund for The Needy Cancer Patient Fund, one of the many funds set up by the hospital with the aim to provide medical subsidy to deserving and needy cancer patients.

Dreamgate supported the fund raising event through the sale of specially prepared, Nasi Ayam Masak Kicap Special. All proceeds collected were donated to the said fund.

The event was part of our corporate responsibility initiative.

Rumah Seri Cahaya
Contribution from RGB & its employees
Distribution of Angpow & oranges to the residents
Smiles & Hope

Pertubuhan Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya

Charity Visit to Pertubuhan Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya
‘Dreamgate Gives Back’ charity drive for year 2010 has been successfully kicked off on 11th Feb 2010. A visit to a welfare home at Batu Maung, Penang was being held on Thursday, 11th February 2010. Joining us for this visit was our Group Managing Director, Datuk KS Chuah, Group Executive Director, Encik Mazlan Ismail, Group Technology Director, Mr Chuah Kee Yong, alongside with staff from Corporate Communication & Investor Relations and Admin Department.

Pertubuhan Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya (‘Rumah Seri Cahaya’) is a registered charity welfare home set-up and run by two humanitarian individuals, Madam Kaliamah & Ms Linda Gregory since 1999. It is a non-profit, non-government support home which daily expenses are aided by the donations from the generous public and the corporate.

The home offers the following:

  • Shelter for the orphans, abandoned children, single mother with children,
    mentally challenged people, homeless senior citizens.
  • Houses children from the age of 4 years to old folks of 70 years old.
  • Assistance to single mothers in job replacement and day care for their children.

Dreamgate, represented by Datuk Chuah, has presented a humble donation in monetary assistance, food and daily amenities’ contributions to the shelter home. In addition, ‘Angpow’ was also being presented to the residents in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebration. Besides contributions from company, Dreamgate’s employees have rendered a helping hand by donating food, daily amenities and clothes. Proceeds from the sale of our recyclable materials collected daily were also utilized for this contribution.

A gift of heart is a mountain of joy. Our visit has certainly brought them smiles and hopes.

Aid and Relief

Wheel ‘Chair-ity’ to Association for Aid and Relief, Japan
On 26 August 2009, Our Group Managing Director, Datuk KS Chuah visited Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR) workshop located within the premise of National Rehabilitation Centre at Vientianne, Laos PDR. On behalf of the Group, Datuk KS Chuah donated USD3,000 to assist in fabrication work of 100 units of wheelchairs for the physically challenged beneficiaries.

Established in 1979, AAR is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) aiming to provide emergency assistance, assistance to people with disabilities, and mine action, among other operations. At the centre in Vientianne, AAR workshop fabricates and customizes wheelchair according to various needs of the beneficiaries.

The donation was presented to Mr Noriyasu Okayama, Country Director of AAR, Japan.

For more information about AAR, please visit their website at:

RGB Recycle poster
MPPP Presentation & Talk

RGB Recycle Campaign

Statistic shows that Penang generates about 1,500 to 1,600 tons of solid waste per day which means, every Penangite generates about 1kg of solid waste per person per day.

In support of the Penang State Government’s efforts in achieving its goal in making the island a green state and as part of RGB’s commitment towards environmental responsible organisation, the ‘RGB Recycle’ campaign was launched at our Penang Corporate HQ on December 8, 2009.

Guided by the Municipal Council of Penang Island (MPPP), a presentation and talk on recycling were delivered to our employees in conjunction with the campaign. The talk was aimed to promote the importance of recycling and its effects towards the environment. Our intention was to inculcate the habit of ‘think before you act’, be it at workplace or at home to avoid unnecessary usage of paper and plastics, reducing the usage of water and electricity.

The recycling campaign was implemented through daily waste disposal segregation in accordance to recyclable items i.e. paper, plastic, glass and other non-recyclable items. Usage of recycle bins provided by MPPP was also introduced. Segregated recyclable wastes will be collected and sold to MPPP appointed recycling agents. The proceeds will be cumulated and use for other charitable contributions.

In addition to the recycling campaign, our employees were also advised to reduce the usage of paper and to conserve on energy, i.e. to off the power while office equipments are not in use.

Our employees’ participation and cooperation have been encouraging. With the continuous commitment, we aim to make “RGB Recycle” a long-term success.

We believe that a little goes a long way. Our commitment makes a difference – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

National Rehabilitation Center – Special School in Lao PDR
Disabled Persons Center, Lao PDR